It was beautiful here in Virginia this weekend! We were so excited! Friday night when Eric got home from work, we went on a walk determined to invite our neighbors over for a bbq... I was so happy when we saw them getting home from work, and we planned to have a little bbq at our house on Saturday night! Later on went to eat at a little Mexican place right by our house... and when we came home, a few families were in the coldasac hanging out, so we went and joined them! It was so nice and fun to hang out with some neighbors! On Saturday we ran some errands and then got ready for everyone to come over for the bbq. Two of the families came over, and we all had a great time! All of the kids played, and Lily thought she was a big girl too! So funny trying to do everything the older kids were doing! On Sunday we went to church and then headed to Chesapeake National Park... We just walked through the trails, and had a nice time being outside. Lily loved it! On the way home we stopped by Bruesters and had ice cream! Lily's FAV! Such a great weekend! Love you baby girl!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
So cute, all the pics. So happy that you made some new friends, that is so good, looks like you had a fun time barbequing, lots of little friends for Lily! Yea! I've been praying that you would meet some friends and you have several families right in your community! Lily is too cute, can't believe how big she gets every time I see a new pic. Love you guys and am counting the days until Lily's B-day!
PS The pic of her with her goofy smile looks just like Eric! Ha!
Christy and Lily! We miss you both so much and hope to see you soon! Lily looks so adorable and we love looking at all her cute picts! We cant believe how much she looks like Christy and Lindsays baby picts! Too funny! You all look great and cant wait to hear how you are enjoying the new place! Love you! Nina and Rachel
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