Last Wednesday night Lily and I flew to Ft. Lauderdale to see my family! (Thanks Great Grammy! My Gram flew us down) Lily did a great job on the flight! I was very nervous because she is older now, and she doesn't just sit there... but she did great!! We arrived and Grammy and Papa picked us up in Orlando... (Southwest flies straight to Orlando, so we flew there and then drove to Ft. Lauderdale the next day) We were so excited to see them!! And Boy were they excited to see us!! They thought Lily had grown so much since last month when they saw her! I didn't have to bring anything for Lily... they got everything for us... including an entire new spring/summer wardrobe for Little Miss, all the diapers, formula, baby food, and new toys to play with while at Grammy's!! Thanks so much Grammy and Great Grammy!! You are way to generous and we appreciate it all so so so much!!! We went to Chick Fila where Lily had yummy chicken nuggets, fries, and icecream! I didn't get any pics cuz my camera was packed. We spent the night in Orlando and the next day we went to the Mall at the Millenia to get Lily's picture with the Easter Bunny! We were so excited about our long weekend in Florida! TONS of pics to follow! I am so proud of you Lily! You are such a big girl!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
I was sooooo excited to pick you and Lily up in Orlando, couln't wait to have you down here. Lily is such a beautiful, happy baby like her mama! Ha! Her daddy is pretty great too! I knew Lily would do Great on the plane, she is the perfect child you know. Ha!
Grammy might be a little prejudice! Ha! So happy you came to FL.
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