Look at the pretty cake and flowers!!

We have finally finished Lily's room! It is so cute!!! I love it! I promise I will post pics soon!! I had my final baby shower a couple of weekends ago... it was amazing! My Mom, Gram, and Sister had it for me!! It was at the Cheesecake factory in South Florida!! Everything was so beautiful, and I am so lucky to have such a great family!! I opened so many great presents!!! Lily literally has a complete wardrobe for the first year of her life! (including shoes, socks, and bows!) Again, we are so lucky!! We have everything we could possibly need, and we haven't had to buy barely anything!!! Everyone has been so generous!! Thanks so much Mom, Gram, and Linds for such a wonderful shower!! You are the best!!!
I can't believe she will be here in about 5 weeks! It is so crazy to me... the time has flown by! I feel her moving like crazy! I think she already has a little cheerleader in her! Ha! I wonder when she will come... I wish i knew whether it would be early or late! Of course I hope not too late!!
Daddy and I are so excited to meet you baby girl! Grammy and Papa (my parents), Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Keith (my sis and her husband), Gram (my grandmother) and Granna and Pepe'/ Big Buddy (Eric's parents), Uncle Craig and Aunt Ashlie (Eric's brother and his wife), and Aunt Amy and Uncle Ryan (Eric's sis and her husband) can't wait either!!! You have lots of people eagerly awaiting your arrival!! Everyone is getting more and more excited!!!
Can't wait to meet my beautiful grandaughter Lily! I know she will be precious like her parents.
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