Stacey, Samantha, me, Judy, and Marla. My friends from work who threw me a wonderful shower in Jacksonville
Well, I still have not posted any pictures yet, but I will soon, I promise!!! My mom and dad and sister and her new husband are coming up this weekend, and the guys are gonna put together all of the furniture for the nursery! (Thanks guys!!! Eric and I are lucky we have you to help!) Eric, Lily's wonderful daddy has been painting the room this week. It is a beautiful pink color!!! I love it!! It will go perfect with the pink and green theme we have going in the nursery! It looks great! Great job daddy!! After all of the furniture is put together, I will try and put everything up, and have the room finished. I will take some pictures and post them for all to see! While the guys are working, my mom, sister and I are going to a baby shower that my wonderful friends at work, Samantha, Judy, Stacey, and Marla are having for me! I am so excited! I had another amazing shower March 1st that my wonderful monther in law, sister in law Amy, and great friend Michelle threw for me! I will post some pics from all of these when I can! We got so many great things!!! We love them all... thanks again to everyone! Lily is one lucky girl!! We can't wait for you to get here baby girl!!
Great Job on the blog site Christy, I knew you could do it. Ha! Can't wait for the baby, she will be here before we know it. I am very proud of you, you will be a GREAT Mommy!
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