Grammy and Papa Carr (my parents)
Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Keith (my sister and her husband)
Uncle Ryan and Aunt Amy (Eric's sister and her husband)
Eric and I have such wonderful families... we are so very lucky!! Little miss has so many great people waiting for her!!! There is so much love to go around!!!! Our families are just as excited as we are to welcome Lily!!! We are lucky in that we do not live too far from our parents and siblings. I am sure we will be seeing them a lot!! Lily is so lucky... she is going to have the best grandparents, great grandmas, and aunts and uncles!!! Again, we are all ready for you to get here sweet pea! We love you!!! Here is a sweet thought...
The importance of grandparents in the life of little children is immeasurable.
A young child with the good fortune to have grandparents nearby
benefits in countless ways. It has a place to share its joys, its sorrows, to find sympathetic and patient listeners, to be loved.
Your dad and I can't wait to be grandparents, the time can't come quick enough. You and Eric are so blessed to have 2 families that are so close and will be there for you and Eric, all you have to do is call and we'll be there. Ha! That is a part of a song. I'll be there whether you want me or not. Ha! We love you and can't wait to see you become parents. Not to much longer, hang in there my beautiful daughter!
Love, Mom
PS You didn't have to include the pics, you know I love to take them but not be in them. Ha!
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