Daddy reading the directions for the furniture
Daddy Painting
Her Crib
Her Room
One of the walls in her room
Ok... Here are some pictures of Lily's room... it is hard to see what it really looks like, because I can't get the whole room, or even a whole wall... but you can see it for the most part! I am going to the final class of our childbirth classes tonight... Eric is out of town in Charlotte on business, so I have to go by myself. At least we have made some friends, and I can sit with them! I have to go, so I will write more later! We can't wait for you to get here little miss!!!
Hi Christy,
I love your blog - it is so fun to follow along with you while you wait for that beautiful little baby girl. Your life is about to change but in a wonderful way.
Keep posting
The wall looks cute! Need to see the other one now! Ha! Glad you were able to down load some of the pics, keep up the good work.
Love you!
Like the added pics, what a crew those guys are, thank goodness for Papa Carr being there, the guys needed someone with experience there to help. Ha! Keith will be ready now when he and Linz have their baby! Ha! Hint! Hint! Lily will need a cousin to play with. Hint also to Amy& Ryan, Craig and Ashlee, the other aunts and uncles.
Hi Christy and Eric,
I love Lily's room, it is so cute. I am trying to get Angela and Bruce to create a page for Abby; but so far I have had no luck with that. I can't believe that you and Angela are having babies at just about the sametime. We only have 14 days to Little Miss Abby's due date! And I can't wait! Keep up the good work! I do enjoy looking at all of the pictures; and I can't wait to meet Lily!
Love, Aunt Deidre
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