Part of Lily's Closet
(you can't really see the whole closet, it goes way back to the right)
(I think she is going to take after her Aunt Amy!)
One of my favorite outfits
(from Grammy)
Another one of my favorite outfits for Lilttle Miss
(from Grammy)
It is so much fun having a girl!!! All of the adorable outfits, bows, shoes, and socks are just too cute!!! I will have to dress her in a few outfits a day so she will wear all of her clothes!!! Grammy has just gone crazy!!! (many people have gone crazy already for Lily) Again, thanks so much!!! We have a little less than a month until my due date. Daddy and I are just hanging out and enjoying our last few weekends with just us! We are so excited!!! We already love you so much little miss, and can't wait to hold you and snuggle with you! My belly is continuing to grow... it is so funny! I have a cute little quote book that I have been reading daily, and I am going to post a thought every time I write from now on... so here is the first one...
(from Grammy)
(from Grammy)
Dear Little One,
You and I are quietly beginning a relationship of love that will last for the rest of our lives. You are changing daily and so am I, we are being transformed together. I can't wait to see you and hold you. I already love you.
Hi Christy,
YES Grammy Carr is OUT of control. The wardrobe looks beautiful. I may have to make a trip to Florida to do some shopping for Kamryn. Looks like your selection is much better down there. Good Luck getting them all on her. You will just have to play dress up and take pictures, ha ha. You will have a ball.
Keep posting.
Grammy is a little out of control but loving every minute of it. Went to Orlando this weekend with Great Grandma Washer, she is almost as bad as I am with buying Lily clothes, bows, hats, etc. Had to stop Great Grandma from buying a traditional bonnet, I think Christy is a little more modern than that these days. Ha! Great Grandma still thought she should have a bonnet but didn't buy it. We got a few more outfits this weekend, looks like Eric will have to take his clothes out of the closet and make room for Lily's! Ha! Can't wait to meet you my sweet little gir.
hey Christy,(dont have our computer yet, so i'm using
We just wanted to tell ya the blog looks AWESOME!! Its soo cute, you are doing a great job!
It looks like Little Miss will be taking after her mommy in the wardrobe department(always in some cute new outfit!!) Even being prego still lookin good. :)
Cant wait for Lily to arrive so we can finally dress her in all of her clothes! SO FUN!
see ya soon! we love you guys
Love, Aunt Lindsay & Uncle Keith
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