I can't believe it is just 3 1/2 more weeks until my due date!!! It is so crazy! I had a doctors appointment yesterday, and they really didn't tell me anything. I am going once a week now until I deliver, and my doctor said next week they will maybe be able to tell me a little more. Kindergarten graduation is May 22, and my due date is May 26... I hope I can make it to graduation!! I think I will be fine! I am still feeling good, it is just so hard to get comfortable! I am keeping Eric up all night too... I feel so bad! He is being a really good sport about it though!!! He is so helpful!!! The little miss is kicking like crazy!! It is so funny. She definately lets me know if she doesn't like the way I am sitting or laying. It won't be long Lily!!! We are so excited to see you baby girl!!! Here is a cute thought...
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
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