Thank you all so much for leaving sweet memories!! I will post my memories with you in this post... A few days ago, I posted a memory game post! If you want to leave a memory you and I have had together, please do so!! I would love to respond!!! POST THOSE FUN MEMORIES!!!
Mom: There are way too many memories to ever be able to pick one. Basically all of my memories have you in them!! You have been there for every single event in my life, and I can't say enough about how much that has meant to me! But I will say that you are the most generous person I have ever met! All you ever do is for others! You always put others first, and you have done so very much for me and now, my family!! You have given us all so much love, and words can't express how thankful I am for your kindness and generosity! Tear!! Love you!!!
Kathy: Oh my goodness, we have had some very funny memories! And you have also been there for most events in my life! But one thing always sticks out in my mind.... riding with you in your probe (oh yes) and singing, I like big butts and I can not lie! Beeping your horn to the numbers of our phone number... 653-1575! HA!HA!HA! You are great and we have had so much fun through the years! Love you!!!
Aunt Chrissy: You have also been there for most events in my life, and I remember that you took me to go get my license! We practiced backing up and parking in a bank parking lot before I went to take the test!! I got my license on the first try! YEA!!! Have had so much fun with you through the years!! Love you!!!
Mary: I have many memories of you from when I was younger, but I remember being in your wedding and our trip to Colorado! It was so much fun, and I thought you were so beautiful on your wedding day!!! I also remember you and Grant coming down and staying at our house, and Grant jumping on the trampoline and almost killing himself by doing flips! So Much Fun!!!! HA! Love you!!!
Vickie: I remember coming to PA and staying with you when I was in like 6th grade!!! I had a blast with your girls! But most recently I remember the fun we had at my sisters wedding!! It was so great spending time with you!!! Hope to get together soon!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Christy, remember at your 6th grade graduation when Unlce Jeff and I took down Michael Rudick's star and held it up and you cried??? I don't know what made me think of that, but you were so upset that we showed you his you remember that??
Ok, now that I am sitting here at working crying like a fool, THANK YOU! Ha! I love you and can't imagine life without you and all the things you have done growing up. Of course you were a good dancer, Great cheerleader, great friend to all and you were a great leader in your sorority, You have had a full life so far and can't wait to share many memories with you, Eric and Lily in the future.
My big Sis, where do I even begin..LOL we have had sooo many memories growing up. But ONE really makes me laugh when I think of it!
Does pollo tropical "christy on the grill" ring a bell?!?
I don't know why but when we would drive by it I would always say that and you would get so mad and say "dad..make her stop!" lol sorry bout that muah you know I luv ya!
Oh Linzee poo!!! You have been there for every event too! All of my memories have you in them!!! But I do remember always wanting you to pick a movie for us to watch and I always wanted it to be the mighty ducks or the cutting edge!! Remember??? So Funny! Love you so much and I am so proud of the woman you have become!!!
ooh yes! How can I forget ur Favorite movie LOL!
If I wanted to spend the night in ur room..I always would have to pick a movie you would say "suprise me...but u wanted those 2 movies haha too funny!
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