Wow!! I can't believe Lily is 14 weeks old!! Where does the time go! I can't imagine life without this precious thing!!! She is amazing in all she is and does! (proud mommy speaking of course!! I am not partial or anything! Ha!!) We had our 3 month checkup yesterday and it went great!! I was gonna get her ears pierced, but I chickened out! I want Eric to be there for that!! So she is 14 1/2 weeks old... She weighs 11 pounds and 15 ounces, and she is 24 1/4 inches long! Our peanut is growing!!! The doc said she looks great! Everything is how it should be! Thank God!! She had to get a shot, poor thing, and was she ever mad!!! My word she screamed for like 30 minutes in the doctors office!! I felt so bad!! She is growing and changing so much!!! She has started eating 6 ounces in her bottle at a time, and she will go for about 3-4 hours. I am only nursing her once in the morning and once at night...and we will see how long that lasts... little piggy just wants more!! She is still a pretty good sleeper at night... most nights she will sleep from about 10 till 5... but she doesn't take many naps, and when she does nap it is for like 20 minutes! She is so afraid she is gonna miss something! She will be dead asleep and when i go to put her down she will wake right up!! She is a restless sleeper! I watch her on the video monitor and she is constantly moving a wiggling about! She holds her head up completely and doesn't like for me to hold her cradle style anymore!! She wants to see what is going on at all times! Her hair is lightening up and so are her eyes!!! All of her newborn outfits are too small, so we packed them away!! She fits perfect into her 3 month clothes and her 3-6 month clothes are just a little big. She smiles and coos all the time. She loves playing with all of her toys, and she really loves the ones that light up! She kinda likes her swing... she likes it for about 10 minutes, than she is done! She likes her bumbo seat, and tries to wiggle out of that too!! This baby is ready t0 move on her own! She loves the tv... it is so funny!! We put on the sprout network and she is just amazed!! (again just for about 10 minutes!) We have ourselves a little tv junkie!! When we put her on her tummy, she pushes right up and really wants to crawl!! She kicks her legs and when we put our hands behind her feet she pushes off! I think when she learns to crawl she will be everywhere! She is wild!!! She is not so in love with her passy anymore! She really doesn't want it!! She loves her baths... she splashes and kicks.. so cute!! We are trying to get on some sort of routine, but it is pretty tricky!! Hopefully we will have one soon! For her sake and ours! These 3 months have been the most wonderful times!! She has changed our lives in every way! Lily we love you so very much!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Wow, Where has the time gone, already my sweet grandaughter is 3 months old, she is such a joy and can't believe all the things she is doing and has accomplished. Ha! She is definitely an acheiver. Ha!
Can't wait for the years to come, I am enjoying seeing her grow, she just gets cuter every day. You are a chicken Christy, you should have gotten her ears pierced. Ha! It will be better when Eric is there so you can go hide in the corner and let him hold her and get mad. Ha! Then you take her and console her. Ha! She will look soooo cute with pierced ears, can't wait to buy her little diamonds. Ha!
You and Eric keep on doing what your doing with the Little Miss because you can tell how much she is loved.
It's ok Christy.... there ia plenty of time for little miss Lily Kate to get all blinged out....can't believe she is 3 months to all, Aunt Chrissy
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