Well, on Thursday, Fay was still hanging around!! The weather was so bad!!! I was off work with the possibility of closing on Friday. Eric was at work, but they planned to close his office early! We still had power, thank goodness!!! But we couldn't really go anywhere because we didn't want to take Lily out in the weather. (Fay go away!!! I feel so sorry for those who have had major flooding in other parts of Florida! I pray we don't have too much rain!) So we had to stay home and play instead of going out to play. And we did play!!! Lily had so much fun with mommy and grammy! (and when daddy got home, daddy too!)She has been pushing herself up more while on her belly, and she really tries hard to turn over, and can with a little help! She is too funny!! She is starting to put everything in her mouth! In her hand and straight to her mouth! We took out one of her toys... it is a little seat she sits in with toys all around her... kinda like a walker! I thought it might still be too big for her, but it wasn't, and she loves it!! She is just so amazed with all of her toys now, and really focuses in on them! She loves the mirror! She can't quite figure out that she is looking at herself! But she loves it!!! We have been giving her baths in the tub this week, and she kicks and plays! She is to big for baths in the sink!! She constantly drools!! She is a drool monster!! Lily, we have had such a great time staying in and playing with you! You are too sweet and you amaze us every day! We love you!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
She looks so cute with the little bow clipped in. She is changing so much. I know (first hand) that it is tough being stuck inside, but at least you have Lily to entertain you! Morgan loved her exersaucer too; hers was generic, primary colors. Back then they didn't make everything in pink :( !
Good luck on Monday, I know saying goodbye to your mom will be hard. At least you saw her more than you thought thanks to Fay!!
I loved just hanging out with Lily and playing and dressing her up and giving her baths. She is just such a joy to be around, she sure makes my days brighter. I love her soooo much and she has a wonderful mommy and daddy that love her to pieces. I love her with her little bow clippie, no one ever sees her hair, we just love the BIG bow headbands. Ha! She looks good whatever she is wearing, that is again the PROUD grammy talking. Ha! She loves looking in the mirror, she carries on big conversations with that person she is looking at. Ha! She did for the record turn over in her crib, Christy and I were playing with her and she did turn over, she is getting the hang of it. I am having so much fun being with Lily, Christy and Eric, I am not going to want to go home.
Mom (Grammy)
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