Monday was my first day of school! I am teaching first grade this year! It went well... My mom and dad stayed home to watch Lily! (My mom is watching her for the first week of school... and the next week she comes with me!) I missed her so much, so they brought her by right after lunch! She met all of my kids in my class! They were all so amzed by her! They thought she was cute! They couldn't believe how small she was! Last year I taught Kindergarten, so I have a few of the kids in my class this year that were in my class last year. They were so excited to see Lily because they knew she was coming and heard so much about her last year! I had to get back to teaching, so my mom and dad left! When I got home my mom cooked a great dinner for Eric and I, and all of the laundry was done!! YEA!!! Thanks so much mom and dad!! Lily I love you so much and missed you tons!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Mike and I had such a fun day with Lily, we played with her in the morning and then got ready and took her to see her mommy at school, Christy and her students are so cute, can't believe my baby is a teacher, and a good teacher. Ha! Proud mom speaking, her classroom is adorable, she has it decorated in a bee theme. Anyways Lily was glad to see her mommy and her mommy was sooo happy to get a short visit with her.
Looking forward to the week with Lily!
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