Well, we finally did it!! We moved Lily into her room and into her crib! She has been sleeping in a pack n play in our room, but last night we made the big move!! I don't really know why we didn't put her in her crib sooner, she is a great sleeper... I guess we just didn't want to see her go!! But, she is s big girl now, and she did great!!! We have a video monitor set up, and it is awesome!! (thanks Katie and Stan!) I can totally see her and hear her! I watched her for so long last night! She is just so sweet! I am sure she didnt even know the difference, but Eric and I sure did! We can't believe our little princess is already out of our room! I know it is only like 20 yards away, but still!! We love you Lily and are so proud of you! Sweet Dreams Angel!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
She looks like she really likes her crib. I just asked Shan today is she had put Kamryn in her bed yet and of course her response was....."NO,,I am not ready for that yet!" Ha Ha - it is a big step.
Kudos for the big girl bed. Addison is still in her pack & play in our room! But her room is upstairs and on the other end of the house, and she does take naps in there! I'm proud of you...I mean Lily!
Yea! I am proud of you and ERic. Ha! I know you hated to put her in her room but I think she will like her crib, she probably will be able to sleep better. She looks sooo sweet, can't wait to get my hands on her. Ha! See you in a few days.
Well, my mom was right. I am not ready to move Kamryn just yet. She is not quite 6 weeks old yet, and she is not really squirming around in the bassinet, so I think she is still fine right next to me for a little while longer. It is really hard to move them away from you, but they do sleep better. Way to go!
Lily looks like such a big girl in her crib!! I remember when she was only a few days old and we layed her in her crib( of course for a pic!!) LOL but she looked like a tiny peanut!! Wow time flys!!
Love you guys!! XOXO
Auntie Lins & uncle Keith
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