Thursday, August 6, 2009

What has SHE been up to???

Lily is changing and doing new things every day... so I thought I better take time and write them all down! I don't want to ever forget these times!!! She is the most beautiful, funniest, sweetest, sassiest, most loving little thing! Her Daddy and I love her so very much!!!

She has been saying new words daily!!! Words she says now are, dadda, momma, lily, baby, ball, bobba, juice, turkey, cheese, papa, pepe, linny (Lindsay), Keith, Abby (Ashlie), Mimi (Amy), shoe, tooth, eyes, ears, teeth, belly, tea, keys, cookie, fish, bear, book, room, bow, ruff ruff, quack quack, meow, no no, pillar (caterpillar), minnie,

She loves to play peekaboo... this is her new fav! She hides her face then says... boo! She learned this from Auntie Linds... she will literally hide her face and peek out with one eye, and say boo! So funny! She loves to play with her tea set, she drinks the tea, and eats the cookie, and offers them to whoever is playing with her. She loves her minnie and "pillar" (Caterpillar), and her baby. She holds her baby and hugs her and says awwwweee... we say give baby love and she does this and pats the baby's back, and gives her a kiss. She likes to push her stroller and her vacuum. She plays with her lego table... just pulls them off and throws them down. She sits and reads her books now too. She pulls out all of her toys and we play every day! She has tons of energy!

She likes to take things out and put them back... she is into EVERYTHING!!! Literally! She opens all cabinets and drawers and and takes things out. She goes into the bathrooms and pulls the toilet paper off the holder, she loves to get out the cotton balls and q- tips... she loves to turn on and off the lights! She always goes to the outlets and plugins... we tell her No No... she still does it! Then we say you wanna go to timeout? and she comes running to us with a huge smile laughing... SUCH A STINKER!!!!! I really have to fight laughing when "reprimanding" her. She runs from room to room and is just constantly going! She knows the word No... but does not always obey it! HA!! We are working on it!!!

She eats pretty well... she has a bobba in the morning and one at night... and that is all for the bobbas... she has sippy cups of water, juice, and milk throughout the day. For breakfast she will eat some sort of fruit or applesauce or yogurt and a waffle... sometimes she won't each that much and sometimes she will...she LOVES fruit! All kinds! For lunch she will eat either mac n cheese, chicken nuggets, turkey and cheese, and some sort of veggie and some sort of fruit... her favs now are peas and green beans and mandarin oranges, grapes, and bananas For dinner it is pretty much the same... we just switch it all up and she will eat what we are eating sometimes too... For snack she still loves GOLDFISH("fishes"), puffs, yogurt bites, veggie puffs (healthier cheetos) any of the gerber snacks.

She LOVES animals... Every time we see a dog she goes wild! Ruff ruff ruff ruff... she LOVES them! We have a ton in our neighborhood, and she loves them all! She also loves Fish! Every time we are in WALMART (and yes we are there several times a week... i know i never thought i would see the day..but..........) we go and stare at the fish for a long time! We are gonna have to start with getting her some fish for now! (dog later...way later) She loves to be outside...we go on a walk everyday! She just chills out in her car or stroller. She loves playing with other kids... she doesn't understand personal she touches all of the other kids...some don't like this very much! She loves the wiggles, yo gabba gabba and barney... starting to be interested in Sesame Street, Elmo, Dora, and Blues Clues... putting her in her bouncer and putting in a dvd is my "getting ready time"... soon she will be out of that bouncer... than I don't know what I will do!!! Really... what do you do???

Bath time is CRAZY... anyone who has experienced bath time with us will agree!!! She is WILD in the bath! We have her in the duck, and she flips and flops and it is just the hardest thing ever! Literally you have to have 2 people helping!!

She has done really well sleeping!!! She wakes up around 7...takes a nap from about 11-1, and goes to sleep around 7:30... This is amazing!!!! I am so happy with this schedule!!! she RARELY wakes up in the middle of the night... maybe once every 2 weeks or so! Thank the Lord!!! Every night before bed we read books, I sing her Jesus Loves Me, and I say a prayer! Every night when I say Amen.. she says Bobba? Like in a question... she knows that after I say amen... she gets a bottle! So Stinkin Cute!!!

She knows where her eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, and belly are... she says she is one, she blows kisses, waves to everyone.. hi, and bye bye, plays patty cake, when we sing the wiggles songs, she does the motions, she "dances", she gives high fives, she knows some of her books and says the words and does the motions, and we think she is just so smart!!! Her little brain is constantly going and she is constantly learning! I can just see the wheels turning!! I can't believe all of the things she is doing!!!

I have been so blessed to be with her for these 15 months!!! Here is her schedule right now... for a little while longer..

Wake up at 7

Bottle in bed till 7:30

dvd time till 8:30


we leave for gym at 9

she plays in the gym until 10:30

falls asleep on the way home at 11

sleeps till 1

lunch at 1

play in her room, my room, upstairs, outside, kitchen, anywhere till like 3:30

snack time then

dvd time for a half hour

go on a walk

daddy comes home

eat dinner

play in room with mommy and daddy

bath time

story time

bottle time

bed time 7:30

We have a full day every day... but our schedule will be changing soon as I am going back to teaching and she will be going to the staff childcare at my school! I am super excited about it and I think she will LOVE it!

Lily, these past 14 (almost 15) months have been so amazing and fun! You are such a sweet little thing... and I love you so very much!!! I love it when you just stop and come give me a hug or kiss! And when you do the cheesy grin... that is the best! You are a little comedian and laugh all of the time! Such a happy girl! I am so thankful God has given me such an AMAZING child!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I can't wait to see whats in store for you!!! You are my little pumpkin and you always will be!!! XOXOXOXO


Cheryl said...

She is an amazing little baby growing up way to fast, she has brought so much joy into my life since her birth, didn't know I could love a little girl so much besides my own daughters, but I do, can't imagine life without her now. I am also so thankful and proud of the parents Christy and Eric have become, they love this little girl so much and can't wait to see their family throughout the years. Thank you Christy and Eric for giving me such a beautiful, wonderful and very smart granddaughter! Did I mention how smart she is! Ha! Love you all very much!

Cheryl said...

Did I tell you how proud I am to be Lily's grammy!

Love you Lily so very much!