Lily went to the doctor last week, and boy is she growing! She is in the 90th percentile for height and weight! She weighs 24 punds and 14 ounces, and is 31 1/4 inches long! The doc said she looks great!!! I just did a post not too long ago about all she is that will be part of her 15 month update. Eric had to take her because I had meetings all last week. I had a list of questions for Eric to ask the doc, and one of them was about the bottle...or "Bobba" as Lily so sweetly calls it...well he said...ABSOLUTELY no more bottle! I was SHOCKED!!! I had no idea we were supposed to take it away. She only took one in the morning, and one before bed... but still...she LOVES her Bobba!!! And... this is how I put her to bed every night... rocking her with her bottle! I was so nervous because I did not know how she was gonna fall asleep, and I knew she would miss having her bottle! Not to mention she was new to the whole "school" thing, and they had to get her down for a nap somehow! Again...I was FREAKING out!!! Well, I tried the first night... I just rocked her and sang to her after story time... she cuddled up to me and fell asleep... I WAS SHOCKED!!!!! I was so glad! The next day at school, they had a little bit of a hard time, but she did go to sleep!!! Thank the Lord!!! She has been asking for it, but we just give her milk in a sippy cup at meals. She still wakes up saying "Bobba, Bobba". Breaks my heart! But I am so proud of her! She has gone to sleep without a fight every night! She really hasn't even cried! My baby is getting to be such a big girl!!!! I love you so much sweet baby girl! I am so proud of you! You are such a BIG girl and the sweetest thing in the world!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
So proud of my Lily girl, I knew she would do great when you took the bottle away, she adjusts to anything and everything, such an over achiever! Ha! Love her and can't wait to see her in a few days!
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