Lily and I flew down to South Florida 2 Saturdays ago to spend some time with my fam! Eric was in California for work, but we were meeting him in Orlando that Thursday to spend some time with Eric's fam and go to his 10 year high school reunion. Lily did great on the flight... she is becoming quite the little traveler! She is such a good little pumpkin!!! We got there on Saturday night and went to my parents house and had some dinner! My sister and my aunt came over, and we just hung out. Lily played with some of her new toys that Grammy and Papa got her for their house! She got this cute little princess rider... she LOVES it! She is getting so big! I can't stand it! Later we ate some yummy dessert that Grammy made! Great day!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
So cute, we were so happy to have you and Lily for a visit. I love th of her eating the Caramel Snicker Dessert by herself with the spoon, so cute, such a Big girl!
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