Ok...so today I went back to work, and Lily went to "school" for the first time! It is so nice to have her right there! The school offers staff childcare, so she is literally right below me all day long! I checked on her like a hundred times! There are only 6 kids in the childcare, and 3 workers! They were all so sweet, and seemed to LOVE Lily! I was so nervous to send her! I wasn't sure how she would be, but of course she did GREAT!!! I was so proud of her! They said she has such a sweet personality, and she is miss independent! They said she was not shy, and she had so much fun! She looked like such a big girl! I am so thankful that it went so well today! Thank the Lord! I have been so nervous, but after I saw how well she did, I knew I was doing the right thing! God has worked everything out, and so I am at total peace! Pray for us as we continue to make this BIG adjustment! Lily, I am so glad you had so much fun today! You are such a special little sweetie, and I love you so very much! I am so excited to see what is in store for you! XOXOXO
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Oh my, can't believe my precious little granddaughter is in nursery school, she is so stinken cute, so happy that her first day was such a success and so glad that Christy's day was great, glad God has opened the door for this teaching position for you and that he provided a way to have Lily near by! God is so GOOD! Thank you Lord! Hoping tomorrow is just as good!???
She looks so big! Her hair is getting really thick. Glad she did so well for you, that makes your day easier. Good luck on the job...I know you'll love having little miss right downstairs! Love you guys.
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