Waiting to get Christmas pics taken
Great Grandma, Grammy, Auntie Linds, and Lily at the mall
Papa and Lily... Happy birthday Papa! It was my Dad's b-day while we were down there!
First time eating peas!
Uncle Keith and Lil
Lily and Tim
Last Friday Lily and I flew down to South Florida to stay with my family for the weekend! (Daddy was out of town on business, so he couldn't come.) I always get so nervous when we fly... it is pretty tricky to do it alone with a baby! But I managed, and Lily did great! She slept the whole flight... it is only an hour, but I was so thankful she slept! We got there on Friday night and Auntie Linds and Uncle Keith came over to Grammy and Papa's house, and we all ate dinner! It was so great to see everyone, and of course they were all excited to see Lil! She showed off and played and had a great night! The next day we went to go get Lily's Christmas pictures taken... Mommy, Grammy, Great Grammy, and Auntie Linds took Lil! Wow! was the picture place crowded... of course we made an appointment, but still had to wait an hour! I was so worried Lily was gonna get tired, but she did great! Her pics came out cute ... She was cute, but the photographer wasn't that great... (we bought a few cute ones) so we are gonna get some more taken here before Christmas. After the pics we shopped around a little and had lunch! We had a great day. We had to get home because some family friends were coming over for dinner, Judy and George. They brought Lily all sorts of presents! Thanks you guys! Lily loves them! Love you Lily!!
All the pics are so cute, it was so much fun watching her in Orlando and taking her to have her pic taken with Santa. It is always hard to say goodbye to you, I cry my eyes out. Ha! Thanks for letting us watch the little angel, anytime, anywhere, all you have to do is call and I'll be there.
Love ya!
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