Good Morning! Lily is all ready for breakfast!
Mommy, Daddy, and Lily ready for the day!
Cutie Pie!
Me, Gram, Chels, and Mom
Some of the guys watching the Dolphin's game and putting together Lily's new seat.
Great Uncle Jeff having some Lily time!
Papa and Great Uncle Jimmy on the 4 wheeler!

Pretty country!
Great Aunt Cathie and Great Grandma playing with Lil!
Eric and I all bundled up!

Eric and I with my Uncle on the 4 wheeler!

Momma and Lil all bundled up outside!

Cuddly little thing!

Lily playing in her bouncer

Pretty country!
Eric and I with my Uncle on the 4 wheeler!
Momma and Lil all bundled up outside!
Cuddly little thing!
Lily playing in her bouncer
Today it was so very cold in Tennessee!!! It was in the 20's, and we got all bundled up! We all headed to my Uncle's house to watch the Dolphin game, and see Great Grandma who flew in this morning! My Uncle and Aunt live out in the country and have alot of acres. It is so beautiful out there! So peaceful and Quiet! Something we are not used to at all! Their house and property were beautiful! We went out on the 4 wheeler, and checked out all of the beautiful mountain scenery! We just about froze though! We had another great day! Lily just loves being around all of these people! So much love!!! Love you baby girl! Love to all!
Love the pics, we had so much fun, always busy doing something! I had so much fun this Christmas, I guess I do every Christmas but Lily made this one especially GREAT!
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