Sweet Baby Girl!
Great Uncle Wayne, Lily, and Daddy
Eric and I in downtown Gatlinburg
Eric and Wayne
Great Aunt Cathie and Chels playing with Lily
All ready for bed
Dad and I roasting marshmellows for s'mores!

Chels and Lil!

Great Aunt Cathie rocked Lil to sleep... she was one tired baby!

Chels and Lil!
Great Aunt Cathie rocked Lil to sleep... she was one tired baby!
It was way to cold for Lily to be outside today, so Grammy and Papa kept her for the day... they went to one of the indoor malls with Lily's Great Aunt Cathie, Great Uncle Jeff, Great Grandma, and cousin Chelsea for some last minute shopping!. They all had a great time! Eric, Uncle Wayne, and I went to downtown Gatlinburg to walk around and spend the day! It was so very cold, but we had a great time! I have been going to Gatlinburg since I was a little girl, and always love going back! We missed Lil, but had a great time walking around and enjoying the day! Later that night everyone came over to the cabin and Eric cooked out burgers, hot dogs, and chicken sandwiches. We had tons of food, and it was so nice to just be able to hang out with everyone! We made a fire and roasted marshmellows for s'mores! Soo good!!! Another GREAT day! Love you baby girl!!!
It was a fun, warm day for me, Lily and dad! Ha! We played it safe and went to the mall, it was too cold for my baby girl to be sightseeing in Gatlinburg! Mommy, Daddy and Uncle Wayne had fun though! It was nice to have a fire place and be able to roast marhmellos and make smores! Yum!Lily looked so stylish as usual in her matching coat and hat!
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