Sorry I am just getting to this now! We have been out of town for over a week, and I have not been able to post any! We had Lily's 6 month checkup before we left! The doc said things look great! She weighs 16 pounds 10 ounces and she is 26 inches long! Our baby girl is growing so much!
She loves her baby food! She eats cereal and fruit in the mornings! She eats veggies and fruit at night! The veggies she likes now are squash, carrots, and sweet potatoes. The fruits she likes now are applesauce, bananas, pears, and peaches! She is such a good eater! She opens her mouth for every bite! Too cute! She still takes her bottles, just not as much! She also got the go ahead to start drinking water and juice! Yea! She sits like such a big girl in her highchair and she hates getting her mouth wiped! And when she is hungary... she wants her food NOW!!!!
She has been sleeping great! She will start to get tired around 7:30 and she sleeps until about 5:00. Every night it is a little different, but for the most part this is her schedule! She is not really a napper. She will take one 30 minute nap in the morning and one 30 minute nap in the afternoon. And she usually falls asleep in the car. She sleeps on her belly now. We call her Lily the thrasher because when we put her down to sleep, she bangs her head up and down on the mattress... and sometimes her feet too. It is really weird, and I worry she is gonna hurt herself... she isn't upset or anything when she is doing it, and she is basically asleep... I think she is just trying to get settled!
She loves to play!!! We love to watch her! She has so many toys, and we take them all out every day! Some of her favorites... her bouncer, her farm animal house, her animals that make their sound, her winnie the pooh honey pot, her crackle book, her blankies, anything that lights up and makes music! I really can't even name all of her favorites! She squeals with delight when we take all of her toys out to play! And of course she still loves her some Hip Hop Harry!!!
She does something new every day! It is amazing to see all she is doing these days! She can sit up all by herself! She can push up in a crawl position, but can't crawl quite yet. She can stand when someone is holding her hands. She laughs out loud all of the time, and she squeals in delight when she is tickled. She is very observant... we call her Lily the observer! When she gets fixed on something, she will just stare! She can hold objects in her hands, and she can switch hands. When something falls she immediately looks for it. She objects when we take a toy away, and she definitely has her favorite toys! She does raspberries all of the time and she thinks it is hilarious! She babbles a ton... yayayayayay, agagagagagag, and squeals when excited and happy! She has just started holding her bottle... it is the cutest thing!
She loves to be held, cuddled with and loved! She is her happiest in the mornings and she wakes up with a smile on her face everyday! She is a ball of energy and a little firecracker! She is such a crazy little thing who is always such a happy girl! She cracks us all up. She really is a great baby, we take her everywhere all of the time and it is just really easy! She just melts mommy and daddy's heart with every coo, cuddle, smile, and squeal!
Lily, we can't believe you have been with us for 6 months! You have made us all so happy, and we love watching you grow and learn every day! We love everything little thing you do! You continue to amaze us and we can't wait to see what you are gonna do next! We thank God for you sweet baby girl! We love you!!!
The pics in that hat are so cute, she looks older. Can't believe she is 6 months old, where has the time gone, I love her so much, she is a beautiful, happy, smart baby!
All she needs now are her ears pierced!!!!
Christy! I love that hat! What a sweet update for a sweet little girl. I know she is such a joy for you guys. I cannot wait to see you all again!
Love, Keri
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