I can't believe Lily is 8 months old! She is getting so big! Growing so fast!! She has the funniest personality, and we all just love it! We call her a Wild Child! She is crawling all over... she is very fast! She pulls herself up on anything she can get her hands on! She is getting very brave and tries to "walk" and just lets go! We have to lower her crib because just this week we went in and found her standing in her crib! She thinks she is such a big girl! She gets into everything! If she can't pull herself up, or if we don't let her... she has a little fit! And just as fast as she starts her fit, she finishes it... when she gets what she wants of course! She has just started to pull her bows and hats off her head... mommas worst nightmare... however she thinks it is quite funny, and laughs while doing it! She claps for everything, and makes the funniest faces! We think she has started to wave bye bye... she is starting to at least. She loves to eat! She is such a great eater! She still does not have one single tooth... so we are sticking to baby food for now... mommas too scared to give her puffs! She makes these cute little clicking noises with her mouth... so funny! She loves to play with all of her toys, and we moved her out of her infant seat car seat. She says mamamamama and dadadadada. She "talks" all of the time, and we just talk right back! She is starting to object when I walk out of the room, but then she is fine once she is distracted. When Daddy comes in the room her little face lights up with a big smile! She is BUSY!!! That is the best word to describe her energy... she never stops! She is such a sweetie and we are just so lucky to have her! We love you baby girl!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
She has gotten to be such a BIG girl lately, doing so many new and funny things. She is so smart and beautiful also, what more could a Grammy want!
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