We went out to eat with our best buds the other night before Eric left for Virginia. Katie and Stan and Brad and Michelle! To say we are gonna miss these people is an understatement! Katie and Stan were our first "married friends" here in Jacksonville! We have had THE BEST times with them! They are like family and we will miss them so much! Pretty much every weekend that we were in town, we have spent with them! They are true friends and we love them very much! Stan and Eric are 2 peas in a pod!! I don't know if that is a good thing or not... just kidding! There really are no words for how much we are gonna miss you! Eric grew up with Michelle, and I became very close with her when she moved to Jacksonville! We have had so many great times, and she is always there ready to do whatever I need her to do! So much fun, and such a great friend! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! Brad is her new fiance, and though we haven't known him very long, he is so great, and we are so happy for Michelle! Katie, Stan, and Michelle were there when Lily was born, and they all love her so much! She loves all of them too! We will miss you guys, and we love you to death!! I know we will see you... you have to come visit! So it is not goodbye............
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Love these pics, you have some Great friends and will take the memories with you to VA., they will have to come visit soon!
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