We are still getting settled here in VA, slowly but surely we are moving boxes out and setting up our new home!! However... it is so hard to get anything done with little missy here!!! She is so busy!!! PLAY, play, play!!! Which is a good thing... I mean, I am glad she is active and loves to play, but at the same time it is exhausting!! She is so funny! She pulls up on EVERYTHING and tries to let go and walk! She is FEARLESS! And that scares Momma to death!! We pull all of her (literally) 50o toys out a day, and she just loves it! She has just started crawling over to her toy box and pulling stuff out! I think she is gonna be a little mischievous thing! If she goes somewhere she knows she is not supposed to go... she stops, looks at me... and laughs. Can they really be like that this early!! I laugh... I guess I shouldn't... but hey! It is too funny! She is just too cute, and her little laugh is enough to make anyone smile! I love you baby!! I haven't posted pics in a few days, so I snapped some of her today... yes she is in her pj's at 3:00pm... why change if we are gonna be in all day right?? (Momma is still in her pj's too!) We are just waiting for Daddy to get home, so we can cook out! Our first cookout here! (It is FREEZING outside... but you know Eric... he has to grill!) Anyways... we are doing well... just trying to get the house set up! Hope everyone has a great weekend! Love to all! We miss everyone!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
She looks so cute! So big in that toy box! I expected the picture after the one with the lid on her head to be her crying! Nope, big smile! Love her! Glad you guys are getting settled in. The house is so pretty; can't wait to see it in person. Have a good weekend and thanks for posting even when you are so busy unpacking! Love you.
omg!! Lily looks sooo cute!!! Such a big girl sitting in her room playing and reading! Glad to hear the boxes are gone, now the fun part setting up your new house. :)
Miss ya Sis! Can't wait to see you guys soon!!
Such a beauty...even in PJs:) Nothinhg like PJ days. I remeber this age and how hard it is to get anything done...we moved a lot when all kids were little...you're doing great...just get the toys out...put on a video (Matthew and Allison loved Baby Einstein's, Maddie loved Barney and Blues Clues) and put her in her exersaucer for a short show... that is how I would get little snippets of time to be productive. And since she's not at school with you...work on longer naptimes...that always helped me jusy get rejuvenated too. Just some ideas:) I really wish I could get out there and see you both and your new place!! Some day:)
Love you both!!!!
She is too cute and too busy! Ha! She just gets cuter every day. Love her getting into her toybox, so funny, she thinks you might have forgotten to put out a toy she might want to play with. Ha! Love ya and can't wait to see you all!
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