My mom, dad, and sister came up this past weekend to watch Lily for us while we went to all of the events for the Chartrand wedding. The Chartrands are some of the Lafleurs best friends, so we all were invited to all of the events! Lily had an amazing time with Grammy, Papa, and Auntie Linds! She just loves them so much! And they love her!!! They got here on Friday afternoon, and played, played, played! On Saturday, they wanted to take Lily to the zoo, but it was crummy weather, so they went to lunch and shopped a little, and on Saturday night they went to the lighting of the Christmas tree at the towncenter! They said it was really neat, but it was kinda rainy, and windy. They didn't wanna keep Lil out in the weather, so they came home. But they said they had a great time! Saturday night we stayed at a hotel at the beach, so it was our first night away from Lily! She did great though, and I wasn't worried at all! I knew she was in great hands! Thanks you guys so much for coming up to Jacksonville to watch Lily! We really appreciate you doing that! We are so lucky to have family that will come at the drop of a hat! Love you guys!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
The pics are all soooo cute, and yes we had a GREAT time babysiting our sweet little miss. She is getting so big and what a personality, she is so happy. Can't wait to see you again this weekend.
Grammy (Mom)
PS Thanks for letting us babysit, anytime you can count on us!
Your right..I did NOT want to leave!! We had such a great time this weekend with Lil, she is just too funny and sweet!! Her personality is just the cutest thing ever!! She's always just so happy, and i love when she laughs! How about when mom was making her crack up non stop...sooo funny! and the pics. are ahhdorable!
Love you guys!
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