Wednesday, November 12, 2008

First time eatin' veggies!!!

We gave Lily a vegetable for the first time tonight! We gave her Butternut Squash! She LOVED it! She ate the entire jar without stopping! It didn't even really get all over the place because she didn't spit it out! She ate the whole jar of that, a little cereal, and half a jar of bananas. She would have eaten more of the bananas, but I stopped giving them to her. I didn't want her to have an upset stomach! She gets so excited and cracks up when Eric talks to her in this funny voice! She loves her Daddy! I actually got a few of her smiling! What a cutie!!! Love you Lily! We are so proud of you baby girl! You are getting so big so fast!

More squash please! I loved it!
That Daddy is so funny!

OK, I will play with my toy while Mommy gets my dinner ready!


Cheryl said...

So happy she like her squash, maybe she will be a GREAT eater and eat anything, that would be great. She looks so cute. I want to see her eat peas! Ha!

Lindsay said...

Lily looks like she's having so much fun eating her veggies!! Those little bows are too cute on her!! of course i love the big ones too...but those are big girl bows! lol :) looks like she'll be a good eater like her daddy! haha jk eric