Lily loves to play with all of her toys! I can put her down on the floor and put a bunch of toys around her and she just plays and plays... of course hip hop harry must be on in the background! She is so cute when she plays! Everything goes into her mouth! She is sitting up better now and she goes from her bottom to her tummy in the crawl position. She isn't quite crawling yet though! She is so much fun! Love you Lily!!!
Ummmm... can I help you?
Look at that little priss sitting up like a big girl, she is getting so big and love the leggins or whatever they are called (warmers) Ha! Can't wait to see her on Friday.
Look at her with her cute leg warmers!!! You are just getting to big little missy. I love you so much and miss you tons!! cant wait to see you all soon! :)
Oh she is too cute! She's getting to be such a big girl! She's the trendiest baby I have seen yet! Lily has a better closet than I do:)Miss you all!
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