Last Thursday we flew to south florida to visit my family for a few days. Then they watched Lily while Eric and I went to the keys for Michelle and Brad's wedding! Lily had a hard time on the flight this time! She was just tired, and really cranky! She always does so great on the plane, but this time it was not the case! We were ready to get there! We were so excited to see my family! They were very excited to see us too!!! Papa picked us up from the airport Thursday night, and we headed to Papa and Grammy's house! Grammy made a yummy dinner, and Linds and Keith came over too! Lily had such a blast playing with all of her new toys from Grammy and Papa and Great Grammy! Every time we come home it is like Christmas! You guys are so great! Thanks for all of the new "fall/winter" clothes too!!! Lily is always stylin'...she is so lucky!!! Lily is such a crazy girl! She LOVES playing with linds!! So sweet!!! I love watching lily play with everyone! We are so lucky!! Love you all!!! I didn't take many pics this night...I can't believe it!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
We were so excited about your visit! You all look Great and Lily is just growing up so quickly! So many new things she is doing and she is so much fun to be with. So happy that the wedding was fun and a little break for you and Eric, we definitely loved watching Little Miss Priss! Ha! It was fun having you here for the FSU/MI game even though we ended up losing, ouch, I hated that, hopefully the Noles will have a GREAT season with the Lafleurs cheering them on! Looking forward to the next visit!
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