We were still in Florida at my parents house for the first game of the season...against Miami! We were all so excited!!! We all got all decked out in our FSU gear! We went to the mall for a little, so my sis could get her hair cut, and so Lily could ride on the rides. My sis got like 10 inches cut off her hair, and she looks so awesome!!! She donated it to locks of love! We came home, and had tons of food and wings and drinks! It was all so delicious! We watched the game downstairs where my dad made it like a theater! He has a projector, and we watched it on the huge wall! It was perfect! So much fun!! Too bad we had a horrible loss to MIAMI!!! It was so close! Oh well! We still had a blast! Thanks guys for all of the great food and fun! We loved it!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Fun day, we all were looking forward to the FSU/MIA game, it was a Great game but ended with FSU losing, so sad. We still had the best fans around, styling in all of their game day gear. And of course the littlest Nole was the cutest Nole ever. Also had a fun time at the mall watching Lily ride all the rides and especially the one she rode with her daddy. Aunt Lins got her hair cut and wow does she look great and someone will benefit from the hair she will donate to Locks of Love! Great day just being with family, love it and love you all!
LOVE Love.....these pics!
we had such a fun day! eric riding the PINK animal at the mall with Lil.....me cutting off my hair...and the FSU game :( !! LOL I think eric takes the gold for the ride!! HAHAHAAH!! lol that was soooooo funny!! Love the family shot in all your noles gear! cute cute!
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