We had to make a road trip down to Jacksonville so I could get all of my classroom things, and the weekend of July 4th was the only weekend we could go and do that! So we loaded up the car and set out on a road trip to jville! We wanted to see family and friends along the way, so we left on Wednesday and went to Charleston, SC to stay with my best friend growing up Nina and her husband Brian and Rachel! We had a great trip! It took us about 6 hours to get there, and Lily did great!!! I am so glad the portable dvd player we ordered arrived!! On the way, we stopped at South of the Border to get gas and stretch a little... I tell you what... that place is GROSS!!! But we had to take some pictures of course! We were so proud of our little pumpkin! She did awesome!! Love you sweet pea!!!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
I remember when I was little and would see signs forever to the South of the Border, and then upon arriving thing "What" Ha! Thank goodness for her dvd player, glad she did well on the trip!
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