Sunday morning we woke up early and got ready for the early service... cuz we were going to the beach later on! It is getting harder and harder to get good pics of Miss Priss... I try SO hard to get her to look, smile, not pull out her bow, or take off her shoes, and not move... but it is nearly impossible!! It is like she knows what I am trying to do, but will not cooperate! UH OH!!! I hope this is not a sign of things to come! HA!!!! Well... as you will see in these pics... they are not the greatest... but she still looks adorable in her little Matilda Jane dress! Love you! You little stinker!!!
I don't wanna stand still... I wanna my BAWL!!!
She looks so cute but she is a stinker, I have seen it first hand that when you get the camera out she will not look or like in the pic completely turns her head! Ha! She gets that from her daddy! Ha! You would think she would be use to it, from the minute she was born she has had her pic taken. She is a cutie though! Ha! Love you stinker girl! Can't wait to see you!
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