Tonight we took Lily to the Jacksonville Zoo's Spooktacular! I have been dying to take her to a pumpkin patch, but they are few and far between in Jacksonville, so Katie emailed this "event", and I knew we had to go! It was from 6:30-9:30 at the zoo. We dressed Lily up in one of her punkin outfits and made the long haul to the zoo. It was really cool, of course she will enjoy it more when she is older, but she loved looking at all of the jack o lanterns and lights. They had it all decorated for Halloween. So Cute!! It wasn't scary or anything! She LOVED it!!! Eric and I had such a great time with Lily! It took us about an hour to go through the whole thing... she was so content, just takin it all in! I love those little family outings!! It is so crazy to think that Eric and I went to "Spooktacular" on a Friday night! Oh! The joys of being "Mommy and Daddy"! We LOVE it!!! Lily, we had so much fun with you tonight! You were so amazed with all of the lights and colors! I look forward to taking you to many "Spooktaculars" in years to come!!! We love you!*** Sorry for the tons of pics with Eric and I in them... we wanted to just get Lily with all of the punkins, but it is too hard with a 5 month old! Can't sit up on her own just yet! HA!
winnie turns 3
10 years ago
Those are such cute pictures! Lily is getting so big!
she is the cutest little pumpkin I have ever seen, glad you had a good time and was finally able to find somewhere to see fall decorations and pumpkins.
OOPS, I am grammy making that last comment that says Christy, I am on her computer so it says her name, I will wait until I get home to make anymore comments. Ha!
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